Lalita Mahatripura Sundari Dhyana | Sloka 2-3 and 4 | Meaning and Benefits |

          Dhyana sloka of Mother Lalita represents her different forms, which were praised by great sages in ancient times. The same forms can be experienced by devotees by chanting the Dhyana sloka.

lalita dhyana sloka meaning and benefits
Lalita Mahatripura Sundari Dhyana

Introduction of the satsanga

1)      Dhyana Sloka-2 and its meaning.

2)      Dhyana Sloka-3 and its meaning.

3)      Dhyana sloka-4 and the meaning.

4)      Benefits of chanting Mother Lalitas Dhyana slokas.


Dhyana Sloka-2

Sloka is as follows,

Arunam-karuna-taramgitaksim dhrta-pasha-ankusa-puspa-bana-chapam|



The meaning of the dhyana sloka:-

Aruam – like the rising sun, the color of the sun during sunset or sunrise. Which is red. This means the complexion of Mother is red.

Karua tarangitakim – Divine waves which appear from Mother's eyes. It means, Mother looks towards her devotees with love and compassion.

Pasha–Noose, is a type of rope-like weapon. Pasham also means a weapon that binds a soul. Pasha in Mother Lalitas hand represent, divine Mother Ashavaruddha Devi.       

Ankush– It is the weapon, which is used to control the elephants. It represents Mother Sampatkari Devi.

Pupa–bāa– It means arrows made up of flowers. There are 5-arrows shown in Mother's hand. This represents Mother Varahi Devi

Chapam– Mother has a bow made out of sugarcane. This bow of sugarcane represents, Mother Rajamatangi Devi.

Aimadibir-avtammayukhair - She is surrounded by eight types of siddhis like anima, mahima, Garima, laghima, prapti, prakamya, isitva, and vastva, In the form of rays of light or beam of light.

Aham–ityeva–vibhavaye bhavanim –By saying this line in sloka, we offer our gratitude to mother as follows. I pray to that Mother, Bhavani who is Ananda swaroopini, and makes it attainable that Ananda state to her devotees.


The meaning of this sloka can be explained as follows.     

          I  meditate on Bhavani, the supreme happiness, whose color is like the sun i.e. red, and from whom rays of light are emanating. Her compassion for Her devotees comes out of Her eyes like waves of the ocean.

          Oh Mother you hold two weapons called pasha (like a rope) and Ankush (a sharp-edged metal weapon normally used to control elephants).     

         In the front hands, you hold a bow made out of sugar cane and arrows made out of flowers.                                   

         Oh, Mother Lalita you are surrounded by Astamaha siddhis. Each siddhi is represented by a goddess in Sri Cakra. I meditate on your divine form called Bhavani, a state of supreme happiness with the beams of lights.

So this was the meaning of sloka.

         This sloka has been composed by Guru Dattatreya. Guru Dattatreya is the supreme guru tattva. As per my experience, Guru Dattatreya also helps srividya sadhakas in their journey. In my spiritual journey, he has guided me from time to time.

         So I can assure you that by taking srividya sadhana Deeksha. You can also get his guidance whenever you want.

Now let us see the sloka number 3 and its meaning.


Dhyana Sloka-3

The sloka is as follows,

Dhyayet-padmasanastham vikasita-vadanam padma-patrayataksim hemabham          pitavastram kara-kalita-lasaddhem-padmam-varangim|

sarva-alankara-yuktam-satatam-abhayadam-bhakta-namram-bhavanim Srividyam-santamurtim sakala-sura-nutam sarva sampat Pradatrim  ||


Let us go through the meaning of dhyana sloka.

 Dhyayet padmasanastha–Means, I meditate Mother seated on a lotus flower or meditate Mother seated in a posture, called padmasana.        

vikasita-vadana– Means charming face. Vikasa also means moon. We can also say, that Mother's face looks like a bright full moon.

Padma patrayatakshim– This Means Mother's eyes are like a long petal of a lotus flower.           

Hemabhaṃ pitavastra– It means, Mother wears clothes having golden color.  

Karakalitha lasadhema padmam–Varaangim– It means, Mother is holding a shining golden color lotus, with her beautiful hand.                 

Sarva alankara yuktam– This means, She is wearing all types of ornaments on her body.

Satatam abhayadam– Bhakta namram – Means She constantly protects Her devotees. She gives abhayadana to her devotees in any situation of his life. Who always worship her with devotion.

Bhavanim–Means the wife of Bhavan. Siva is also known as Bhavan. Bhavan’s energy is known as Bhavani.        

Sri-vidyam– It means, Sri Vidya is the worshiping ritual of Sakti. She is in the form of mantra and tantra sastras.           

Santa murtim– Means a form of Mother is without any agitation. It is her inner conscious state.

Sakalasura-nutam– It means, Mother is worshiped by all gods and goddesses.     

Sarva-Sampat-Pradatrim – This Means the Mother is a giver of all types of wealth.

The meaning of this sloka can be explained as follows.     

         Oh, Mother, you seat on a lotus. You have a charming bright moon-like face. Your eyes look like the petals of the lotus. You have golden complexion and gold shine cloths. Oh Mother you are holding a golden lotus. You wear all types of ornaments. You always protect your devotees and bow down to listen to the needs of all your devotees.

         You are the embodiment of all mantras and tantras of  Sri Vidya. Oh Mother all gods worship you and emphasize your Supremacy. You are the giver of all types of wealth to your devotees.

So this was the meaning of Dhyana sloka-3

Now we will discuss the 4th dhyana sloka of Mother Lalita.


Dhyana Sloka-4

The dhyana sloka is as follows,

sakumkuma-vilepanam alika-cumbi-kasturikam samanda-hasite-ksanam  sashara-chapa-pasha-ankusha asesa-jana-mohinim aruna-malya-bhusambaram japa-kusuma-bhasuram japavidhau smared-ambikam  ||


Let us see the meaning of the sloka

Sakukuma vilepana Alika chumbi kasturika – It means the Mothers face is beautiful with kumkum and Kasturi applied on the forehead.

Samanda-hasitekaam  -This Means Mother has a beautiful smile and looks.      

Shasara-Chapa-pasha-ankusha- It means Mother is holding arrow made up of flowers, bow made up of sugarcane, a rope-like weapon called pasha and Mother also holds ankusha, a weapon used for controlling elephant in her four hands.

Asesa-Jana-mohinim- It means she has attraction power.       

Arunamalya bhushambaram  – Means the mother wears a type of sandalwood garland from scared mountains.

Japa-Kusuma– Means mother have a complexion of red hibiscus flower.

Bhasuram-Japa-vidhau-smared-ambikam - This means as per the rules of Japa or mantra chanting we must meditate on her physical form as per dhyana slokas.

The meaning of this sloka can be explained as follows.     

She looks beautiful with kumkum and vermilion, which gives a pleasant fragrance, She looks at Her devotees with a beautiful smile. She holds in Her hand's bow, arrow, noose, and Goad four weaponries. She attracts everybody; which means everybody is attracted to Her irrespective of being Her devotee or not. She is wearing a red garland made out of special sandalwood. Excellent ornaments adore Her and She has the complexion like a hibiscus flower. One has to meditate on this form of Lalitambika during Japa time.

This was the 4th,  the last dhyana sloka of mother lalita. Now let us see the benefits of dhyana slokas.


Benefits of Chanting dhyana sloka

1)      The happiness and love for Mother is developed in your heart.

2)      All unwanted desires are removed by the mother, which doesn't allow you to grow spiritually and materially.

3)      All 5-senses come under your control who always disturb your daily life.

4)      You get the grace of Astamaha siddhis.

5)      You get the grace and guidance of Guru Dattatreya.

6)      You develop a love for others in your heart.

7)      Inner spiritual wealth and material wealth can be gained by chanting the dhyana slokas.

8)      Mother always protects you from all types of harm and tantric, psychic attacks.

9)      Mother always guides you in your spiritual and material journey.

10)  Direct Mothers Darshana can be happened, according to your dhyana sloka type, and your sincere devotion towards Mother.

So these were the benefits of dhyana slokas.

Please go through video links for this satsanga

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2) Please click for Hindi Video Link


You must always start your prayer with Mother Lalitas 4- dhyana slokas. So Invoking mother daily with the help of all dhyana slokas, will make mother, shower her grace on you.

So we have completed all 4-dhyana slokas in our two satsanga. To know more about Mother Lalita please check our all playlist related to Mother.

Thank You all devotees,


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